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Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse

7 Jul

Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse was a success! I feel energized, lost 3 pounds and am ready to continue my clean eating to get to my goals!

I tried the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse a while ago and I couldn’t do it.  I felt horrible, weak, and had headaches.  So, this time around, I made a few adjustments because I knew deep down the cleanse is what I needed to reboot my system and get me back on track with my eating.  So, what exactly is this 3 Day Cleanse?

Here’s a snap shot of what the Cleanse entails:

  • 3 Shakeology shakes a day with only water and ice (can add fruit if needed)
  • 2 snacks- 1 shake and 1 a piece of fruit
  • 1 Salad w/ 40z of grilled white protein (fish or chicken)
  • Only low fat dressings or 2 tbsp olive oil/vinegar
  • Easy on salt/pepper.  No sugar, no dairy, no chemical sweeteners.  NO ARTIFICIAL ANYTHING
  • Drink tons of water and 2 cups of green tea
  • Calories should be around 800- 1200

Here is my version of the Cleanse day by day:

Day 1 (7/4/2011- yes I started on a holiday)

  • Breakfast: Chocolate Shakeology w/coconut water, 1/2 banana, 1 tbsp of PB2 and ice
  • Snack:  15 cherries and 15 almonds, iced green tea
  • Lunch: Chocolate Shakeology w/coconut water, 1/2 banana, 1 tbsp of PB2 and ice
  • Snack 2: 1/2 protein bar and Chocolate Shakeology w/almond milk, 1 tbsp of PB2 and ice
  • Dinner:  3 cups of salad (mixed greens, tomato, cucumbers, scallions, red peppers, and 3 olives w/balsamic vinegar only) and chicken w/hot sauce baked. (NOTE: I had a cookout and took my Shakeology and a bottle of water with me so I would not eat the food or drinks that were there.  Instead I drank my Shake and came home to make the dinner I described)
  • I drank water throughout the day and after dinner I had a soda water
  • Calories around 1300

Day 2

  • Breakfast: Chocolate Shakeology w/coconut water, 1/2 banana, 1 tbsp of PB2 and ice
  • Snack: 15 cherries and 15 almonds
  • Lunch: Chocolate Shakeology w/coconut water, 1/2 banana, 1 tbsp of PB2 and ice
  • Snack 2: 1/2 nectarine and homemade carrot cake protein bar
  • Snack 3: Chocolate Shakeology w/coconut water, frozen strawberries and 1 tbsp PB2
  • Dinner: 3 cups of salad (mixed greens, tomato, cucumbers, scallions, red peppers, and 3 olives w/balsamic vinegar only) and halibut grilled w/lemon juice and spices.
  • Drank tons of water throughout the day and after dinner had soda water
  • Calories around 1100

Day 3:

  • Breakfast: Chocolate Shakeology w/coconut water, frozen strawberries, 1 tbsp of PB2 and ice
  • Snack: Large ice green tea, 15 cherries and 15 almonds
  • Lunch: Chocolate Shakeology w/coconut water, frozen strawberries, 1 tbsp of PB2 and ice
  • Snack 2: homemade carrot cake protein bar
  • Snack 3: Chocolate Shakeology w/coconut water, frozen strawberries and 1 tbsp PB2
  • Dinner: salad w/dressing on the side and chicken with broccoli rabe (NOTE:  It was my mother-in-laws bday and we went out for dinner….I did this at a restaurant- just proves when there is a will there is a way)
  • Drank tons of water throughout the day and soda water with dinner
  • Calories around 1300

I increased my calories because I know my body.  My blood sugar is super sensitive and my body needs to eat at certain times throughout the day.  I’ve trained it!  So, from my experience with doing the last cleanse, I knew I needed more calories to prevent the headaches and keep be going through the day.  I added fruit and the PB2 because I knew the carb/protein combo would work for me.  I added coconut water because I love the stuff and it’s extra hydrating.   The extra snack was to keep my blood sugar even so I wouldn’t feel weak.  Lastly, I did not do any Beachbody workouts during this cleanse.  I walked once and that was it.  This was my time to work on my eating and I wanted all my attention to that.

The point of the cleanse is to help you eat efficiently and healthfully; the goal is to rid your body of undigested foods and toxins and bring your hydration levels into homeostasis.  The result after the cleanse is not necessarily weight loss, (but it is likely to lose weight.  I lost 3 pounds!!!!), but for your body to be running more efficiently.  This cleanse is to make you feel lighter and more energetic.  This time around, the cleanse worked for me!  I feel lighter, clean, have energy and don’t have any desire to eat junk food.

Cleanses aren’t for everyone and I thought they weren’t for me.  Making the adjustments  worked for me.  When doing a cleanse try it the way it’s suppose to be and if it works, great!  If not make small adjustments.  If it’s not for you, that’s okay too.  You need to listen and know your body to get the results you are looking for.

If you have any questions or want more info about the Shakeology Cleanse, email me at or leave a comment below.

Greenberry Shakeology Recipe that I’m Loving!

3 Jul

It’s no secret that I love my Chocolate Shakeology!  I have one every day for my breakfast…sometimes I have it with natural pb, other times with fruit, but I always have one.  I’ve been drinking Shakeology for over a year and I have tried to like the Greenberry.  I mean I really tried…I did everything, added orange juice, skim milk, fruit, peanut butter, but I could never find a recipe that worked for me.

A few days ago, I saw a post on Facebook about the Best Ever Recipe for Greenberry.  I was skeptical and asked the person if it really was the best.  She told me she was a huge fan of Chocolate until she tried this, so that was it…I was on the hunt for the ingredients (well, only one because I had all the rest)!

Yesterday morning I woke up, did a few things, and then I was ready to make my Shakeology, with Greenberry.  I put in the ingredients in the blender, blended it up, and took a sip and another and another, looked at my husband, and said, “wow, not bad.  Not bad at all!”

So, of course I have to share it with all of you because I’m drinking another Greenberry Shake while I write this (don’t worry, Chocolate will always be #1).  Here are the ingredients and recipe:

3/4 c Almond Milk Unsweetened

3/4 c Orange Mango Juice

1 tbsp natural peanut butter

1 tsp natural honey

1 scoop or packet of Greenberry Shakeology


Blend well and enjoy.  I can’t figure out what it taste like but it’s yummy!  TIP: with any Shakeology recipe make sure to add ice and blend in a blender…this will make the shake delicious and more filling than just shaking it!

I have some customers who try Shakeology and don’t like it right away and I always tell them you have to find the right recipe.  This post proves it…it took me over a year to find the perfect Greenberry recipe and now I can switch between Greenberry and Chocolate and never get bored.  And I bet this recipe will be great in the new Tropical flavor coming out soon.

If you need ideas on different recipes for Shakeology because you are bored or want to try a different flavor than you’ve been drinking, just email me and I’ll help you out.

Have a healthy, fit 4th of July!

Beachbody Coach Summit 2011

21 Jun

I’m back…did you miss me?  I missed you guys.  So, let’s get down to business….Summit was AMAZING!  The energy was so positive and on fire that you couldn’t help but want to go to every event even if you were dead tired.  It was non-stop, literally, I did not stop learning, working out (now I know what Biggest Loser contest feel like), and meeting new people from the time I arrived on Thursday to the time I left on Monday morning.  There are so many exciting things coming down the pipe line from Beachbody.  I’ll be sending out more details around each one through my newsletter but wanted to list a few for you here:

  • P90X2 due out in the fall
  • New Shakeology flavor Tropical due in the fall
  • New online tools to help you with your workouts and tracking
  • New Beachbody Challenge where you could win up to $500 in WOWY daily and win the grand prize of $100,000
  • 21 Day Detox Plan
  • Tai Chai DVD series coming soon
  • And much more…

It was great to be the first of over 2,000 coaches to hear the happenings at Beachbody, but that was only the beginning of the events and fun.  Friendships were developed, bonds were created, and I grew more personally that I ever had imaged.  I now have the tools to be an even better coach to you.  I’m so excited to continue coaching you every day so you can get to your goals.  I’m fired up to get you in the best shape of your life, as well as myself.  Want to know my plan?  Okay…I will be pre-ordering P90X2 in August (you should to if you want it…email me for info).  And in-between now and when I get P90X2, it’s Asylum all the way.  Round 1 is almost done, Round 2 will be starting up and then I’m going to create a hybrid of Asylum and ChaLEAN Extreme.  I feel this plan will bet me ready for this insane new workout they are calling P90X2.

So, if you want to get in amazing shape, prep for P90X2, or just stay accountable, email me at anytime.  I’m here for you and I know you can succeed!

New Week. New Workout Program

22 May

Starting tomorrow, I start a new 30 day workout program, Insanity: The Asylum!  Even the name is scary and believe me I am scared but at the same time really excited for this challenge.

I struggled for a while if I was going to start this program.  Could I do this?  All those jumps and what is that crazy ladder thing, and push ups, ugh!  But I have a goal to meet and I knew these workouts would get me there and challenge me in a way I’ve never been challenged.  The package came in the mail on Friday and I have read through the materials, watched the DVDs and am ready to make my goal a reality.

So, why did I finally take the leap to commit to Asylum?

  1. It’s 30 days…I can do anything thing for 30 days (at least that’s what I keep telling myself).  My hesitation originally was the pure fact that the workouts look too intense for me to be able to accomplish.  But once I started seeing others results and their feedback about the program, I knew this was for me.  I love challenges and if they can get amazing results, so can I!
  2. My goal date is coming up in 23 days and I’m still not where I want to be.  I need to break through my own walls and get my butt kicked.  I needed a program that was going to get me out of my comfort zone and this definitely will!
  3. I needed a workout plan that would be so difficult and intense that there was no way I’d eat bad after and mess with my results.  Asylum fit the bill.  I prepped and packed all my foods for tomorrow and there is so much food but I kept it to the Asylum calorie plan.  Breakfast: 1 c coconut water, 1/2 banana, 1 tbsp natural pb, 1 packet of chocolate Shakeology and ice; snack 1: 3 egg whites, 1/4 c avocado, 1/2 c sweet potato, 1/2 whole wheat English muffin; lunch: salad w/chicken, veggies, strawberries and lemon juice; snack 2: 15 cherries and 15 raw almonds; dinner: not sure yet but it will only be protein and veggies (no carbs after snack 2).  Tons of water will be consumed…I’m getting excited just typing this.

Fit Test done! (check out my YouTube video at, which will speak volumes of what’s to come for me in the next 30 days).  Measurements done!  Before pictures will be taken tomorrow on Day 1 of Insanity: The Asylum.  I’ll also be tracking my journey through Facebook, this blog, and YouTube.

You’ll see me sweat, be out of breath, and have the reddest face ever after I complete the workouts and then you’ll see my progress throughout the weeks and finally my Day 30 results.  If you want to join me, email me at

Whatever workout you do, make sure to challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone.  It’s the only way to see real changes.

Day 1 of Clean Eating Challenge

28 Mar

Workout done and now it’s time to plan for a healthy day of eating.

Clean Eating Challenge 3/28-4/16 (20 Days!)

27 Mar

It’s time for a Clean Eating Challenge so we can all look amazing for beach season in our bathing suits!  The challenge starts tomorrow and I’ve decided to do some things different with this challenge:  1.There will be giveaways!!!! 2.  I am going to track my progress via video on this blog weekly.

For the month of March, anyone who orders Shakeology on Home Direct gets entered into a drawing to win a P90X one on one DVD.  So, if you are thinking about Shakeology, this is the week to do it so you’ll be entered into the drawing!  Also, Shakeology will help with your result through this challenge and remember there is a 30 day money back guarantee and you can cancel at anytime, so there is NO risk!  After that give away, I’ll announce the next give away on my first video blog for this challenge!!!

Now for the Clean Eating Challenge rules (you can find these under the Clean Eating Tab above as well).

If you adhere to these guidelines, you will see big changes. DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF little slips here and there. But if you fall, pick yourself up again. Its consistency, not perfection that gets you to your ideal body!
Here are the rules:
1. PRESS PLAY Five or Six Times a week, depending on your program. If you are not doing a Beachbody workout, that is 100% okay. Just try to do 3 resistance days and 2-3 cardio days.
3. No additional cheat snacks. ONE CHEAT MEAL PER WEEK. PERIOD.
4. NO ALCOHOL. If you want one glass of alcohol, make it part of your cheat meal. I know…I stink but if you want results this is how you get them. NO excused and remember it’s only for 20 days! YOU CAN DO THIS!
5. You MUST report daily for the preceding day on Stacy’s Health & Fitness page on Facebook. Feel free to post comments, questions, struggles, triumphs here. We’re in this together! If you are not on there, make sure to LIKE the page, I created it for YOU.  It’s a place for support, tips, challenges and giveaways so it’s silly not to be a part of this community.
6. You have until Tuesday morning to take your measurements AND pictures. You don’t have to post them, but you should take them. A lot of times you won’t lose pounds, but your body will change. And you will be amazed!
Are you ready?
RULE 1: You eat 4 to 6 small meals per day, ideally breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner. That means that you are eating every 2 to 3 hours. Your body needs to be fueled. Eating only breakfast, lunch, and dinner is not okay.
RULE 2: You eat at least 1300 calories (unless you are less than 5 feet tall). I am putting this down because this challenge is about eating clean and being healthy, not about starving yourself. I typically eat around 1500-1800 per day. I’m trying to keep it at 1500 for this challenge!
RULE 3: This is more like a guideline than a rule. You follow something close to a 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat diet. For those of you doing carb manipulation or following a special plan for diabetics, that’s fine, too. Again, I just don’t want folks to think they are eating clean if they eat 4 bowls of cereal per day. Your meals have to be balanced.
RULE 4: This is the real challenge part: YOU EAT ONLY FROM THE TOP 2 TIERS of MICHI’S LADDER 6 DAYS A WEEK. That means that you cannot have bagels for breakfast or frozen yogurt for a snack. Top 2 tiers. Period. I see that bagels are now in the top two tiers. I would stay away from them, but if they are in the top two tiers you can have it.
RULE 5: DRINK H2O throughout the day! This will help you feel full. Whenever you feel hungry, have a glass of water because more likely than not, you are dehydrated than hungry.
RULE 6: NO ALCOHOL. I know, I know but I swear you will see huge results. You can have alcohol as a cheat but that is it!
To See Michi’s Ladder, sign on to your teambeachbody account. Go to EAT SMART Tab and you’ll find it there. If you are not a FREE BeachBody community member, email me at for more info on how to join so you can have access to Michi’s Ladder. I will also become your free coach.
**** ADDENDUM: Shakeology, Recovery drink, protein supplements, coffee, natural almond/peanut butter, and almond milk are ALLOWED. *******

March Giveaway!!!!

13 Mar

Okay, we are getting closer to Memorial Day, which means closer to swim suit season.  So, I’ve decided to have a giveaway to get us ready for the warm summer days!

Any new customer or coach that signs up for Shakeology on Home Direct during the month of March, will be entered into a drawing to win a copy of P90X One on One DVD.

If you have been thinking about including Shakeology into your daily routine, now is the time.  Not only will you get free shipping and the free gifts by going on Home Direct, but you will also have a chance to win a One on One DVD.  If you are wondering about P90X, this One on One will give you a taste to see if you are ready to embrace the X.

Also, in April I will doing a special Slim Down to Summer group on Facebook!  You’ll need to be on Shakeology to join!  Email me for more info if you are interested.

Here’s what you need to do: Go to my website and click on shop/Shakeology/Home Direct. You have to order it through me for the chance to win the prize.  Please email me at after you complete your order so I make sure to include you in the drawing!

Let’s make Spring the healthiest month yet to get you looking amazing for the summer!

Success Story

6 Mar

I have been working with a small group for about seven weeks now.  It’s an online group that I provide weekly emails that help them to be healthier.  Each week there is an assignment and homework.  They have to workout at least 5 days a week and drink Shakeology once a day. The participants have access to me whenever they need support or tips to get them through the weeks assignment.

One of the participants sent me an email yesterday that hit on what I am trying to get across and I thought I’d share her story with you.

Daniella has been running in races but she needed something more.  She has a big birthday coming up in a month and has a goal weight to reach by that date.  She started her journey with me when she decided she wanted to add Shakeology into her diet daily.  She later bought Chalean Extreme, which she loves!  But working out is not the issue for Daniella, it’s more about the eating right.

Daniella’s email this week was to tell me she has lost over 4 pounds and lost inches.  She also mentioned what a great week this was for in regards to her control.  She works at a salon where one of the clients brings in munchkins for the staff whenever she comes in.  This is a weakness of Daniella and she usually has at least two.  But this week something changed and she didn’t even look at those munchkins…she didn’t even crave it and she didn’t even miss it!

On another day, there were brownies in the break room and she decided instead of eating her lunch in the break room she was going to have it at her desk away from the brownies so she wouldn’t be tempted and she was successful at not have even a bit!

To change your behavior, you have to change!  In Daniella’s case, it was her environment.  She knew enough what her triggers are and she decided not to give in and to avoid situations that would make her cave.  This is what you have to train your mind to do…losing weight is not  a short-term plan.  It’s a lifestyle change to live a healthier, longer life and you need to realize that what you do today effects you tomorrow.

Thanks Daniella for letting me share your story!

Staple Foods

20 Feb

To get to your goal weight you have to exercise but that is only half of the equation.  The other half is eating clean.  This is tougher for most people than exercising (including me!).  So, the first thing you need to do is clean out your kitchen and get rid of junk…if you question it, toss it…it shouldn’t be there and you know it.  Next you need to stock it with foods that are good for you.

Here is your shopping list:

  1. Fruits- this is a given.  Buy what’s in season and switch it up so you don’t get bored.  Frozen fruit is great for protein drinks.   I love having frozen strawberries in my Shakeology because it taste like a chocolate covered strawberry!
  2. Veggies- another given and again buy what’s in season and switch it up.  Also, frozen veggies are great for stir fry’s.
  3. Low sugar yogurt to make with fruit and low fat granola is a great snack before working out.
  4. Whey Protein.  If you are working out, you need this to build lean muscle.
  5. Lean protein- fish, chicken, 99% fat free lean ground turkey, etc.
  6. Whole grains- brown rice, whole wheat pasta (yes you can have pasta but only a serving size and with your own sauce which is super easy.  Just get crushed tomatoes with no added salt and add seasonings).
  7. Seasonings- forget the salt and add onion powder, garlic powder, chili powder, whatever to make your foods more flavorful.
  8. Eggs- great protein and can make 100 different ways.
  9. Protein bars with low sugar for when you are on the go.
  10. Nuts- put one serving size in little bags and put in you car, your purse, your bag for times you are on the go and get hungry.
  11. No salt brown rice cakes.
  12. Natural peanut butter (only one tbsp on the rice cake or in a smoothie).
  13. Olive Oil
  14. Vinegar to make salad dressings.  This is super easy and much better for you then the processed salad dressing bought in the store.
  15. Water and Soda Water.  Having these beverages in the house will keep you hydrated and they have no calories.  Add a lemon and it’s refreshing and delicious!

Now you are ready for a week of clean eating.  Enjoy!

Embracing Social Media

24 Jan


Yeah!  My first blog post….crazy to think I cringed at the mention of social media  just  6 months ago and now I can’t get enough of it.  I finally got with it and joined Facebook, but not only did I create a personal page, I also created a fan page.  Then I got on Twitter…still figuring that one out and  now I have my very first blog!

I’m embracing social media to the fullest one step at a time of course.  I was going to wait and launch my blog later this week; I wanted it to be perfect! But nothing is perfect and no matter how perfect I get it, this blog will be a work in progress.  So, here it is in all it’s glory.  I hope you enjoy it and please let me know if you’d like me to discuss specific topics on health and fitness as you know I love helping you guys out!

This blog will take over my “Notes” section on Facebook and will eventually take over my weekly newsletters.  I do love my weekly newsletter so I’m not ready to give those up yet, but I might reduce them to monthly…we’ll see how it goes. My commitment to this blog is to post at least 3 times a week so that is a lot of info for you guys!

So, what else can you find in this blog?  OMG…so happy you asked!  You can find out about the workouts I do (all Beachbody of course), about my Shakeology recipes and how it helps me stay on track, and tons of clean eating tips!

This is my journey of fitness and helping others meet their fitness goals!  Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a post.  Here’s to a fitter us!
